Self-Approving Your Own Changes (legacy)

Our collaboration functionality is changing. Your implementation may not be updated yet. If your system looks like the image below, with "DRAFT" instead of "YOUR DRAFT", click here to see the appropriate help article.

Approvers and Administrators can self approve their own drafts without having to switch to the "Approvals" tab. Users with Viewer or Contributor role cannot self-approve their drafts — they still need to have their draft approved by an Approver or an Administrator.

How to Self-Approve Your Changes

  1. Once you are finished making changes to your draft, click Review Your Changes.
  2. Give your change set a title and click Submit For Approval.
  3. Click Approve.

  4. Choose whether you wish to notify everyone of the change or add a comment. 
  5. Click Approve again.  Your changes are now published to the live environment!