Viewing Change History

You have two options when it comes to viewing Change History:  viewing the complete list of changes for the entire entry point, or viewing the changes for just one individual flow.

Viewing all changes in an entry point

Every time a change to a flow is approved and published, all users will see a notification bubble next to Change History at the top of the screen. Click Change History to see the list of updates.

Click on a change set to review, then click the Changes tab. On the left side you’ll see a list of the flows that had modifications as well as any flows that were added or deleted. Click one of the flows on the left to view a side-by-side comparison of the before and after.

Viewing a history of changes to a flow

To view the history of changes to a specific flow:  

  1. Navigate to the flow you want to see the changes for and click History (top right of your screen). 

  2. You'll see a list of all change requests that included changes to this flow. Click on a change set to review, then click the Changes tab.
  3. On the left side you’ll see the flow in question as well as any linked flows that were added or deleted. Click one of the flows on the left to view a side-by-side comparison of the before and after.