API Documentation
ProcedureFlow's API provides more access to the product through partners, integrations, and our customers. It currently allows access to the following:
- Flow data - Entry points, the underlying flows for each entry point, and the specific elements (shapes and connectors) of each flow.
- Session data - User actions including viewing a flow and time spent on a flow.
- User data (includes SCIM) - Access to users within their organization and their status (active vs. deactivated) and Org Admin access.
- Change request data - Fetch change requests, create/update change requests and underlying flows (activity data of change requests is not currently supported).
All plans have access to the APIs, but what's available is dictated by the customer's plan: if a customer has access to a capability in the UI, then they would have access via the API. For example, Enterprise users can Export Session data via UI and thus would have same access via API.
The Org Admin will need to create a Personal Access Token via the Admin menu. This token is like a password and should be shared with the utmost caution as it's all that's needed to get access to the data and make changes. Customers who use our API are bound by the Terms of Service when they create the Personal Access Token.
Our API is fully documented at: https://app.procedureflow.com/developers/docs/reference/api
Login access to ProcedureFlow is required for documentation access.