API Documentation

ProcedureFlow's API provides more access to the product through partners, integrations, and our customers. It currently allows access to the following:

  • Flow data - Entry points, the underlying flows for each entry point, and the specific elements (shapes and connectors) of each flow. ​
  • Session data - User actions including viewing a flow and time spent on a flow.
  • User data (includes SCIM) - Access to users within their organization and their status (active vs. deactivated) and Org Admin access.​
  • Change request data - Fetch change requests, create/update change requests and underlying flows (activity data of change requests is not currently supported)​.

All plans have access to the APIs, but what's available is dictated by the customer's plan: if a customer has access to a capability in the UI, then they would have access via the API.​ For example, Enterprise users can Export Session data via UI and thus would have same access via API.​

The Org Admin will need to create a Personal Access Token via the Admin menu.​ This token is like a password and should be shared with the utmost caution as it's all that's needed to get access to the data and make changes.​ Customers who use our API are bound by the Terms of Service when they create the Personal Access Token.

​Our API is fully documented at: https://app.procedureflow.com/developers/docs/reference/api

Login access to ProcedureFlow is required for documentation access.